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What should I do if I can't sign in? | General Questions

If you're attempting to sign in, and are unable to do so, please do the following:

  • Check that your email address is correct. 
  • Check that Caps Lock is off.
  • If you've forgotten your password, click on "Forgot Your Password?"
  • Enter your email address and hit "Submit".
  • You should receive an email with a password-reset link within an hour. Click on the link to set a new password, and sign in to your account.

Your new password must:

  • contain at least 10 characters
  • contain at least 1 letter
  • contain at least 1 number or symbol
  • cannot be one of the past 5 passwords used for your Earnest account

Troubleshooting tips:

  • If you requested a password reset and have not received the link, check your spam or junk mail folders.
  • The password reset link expires after one hour. After the hour has passed, you'll need to request a new password link.
  • If you attempt to sign into your account too many times unsuccessfully, we will lock the account for either 1 or 24 hours, depending on the circumstances. This is a security measure to protect your account from invaders. During a lock-out period, you'll be unable to access your profile, even with the new password.
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