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My bank account won’t connect to the application. How can I continue? | Applying For Loans

If you’re having trouble completing the financial section of the application, there may be an error with the connection. Generally, this can occur if your financial institution is a smaller regional bank or is not well recognized.

In these cases, you may receive a green “Success!” message, but manually entering your bank details will still be necessary for the account to populate.

  • In the "Let's complete your financial profile" section, click on the "+ Account(s)" button.
  • Click "continue."
  • Type a string of random letters into the search bar, such as "asdf," so that no real banks appear. To complete this step, it’s important that no financial institutions populate in your search.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the window to the "Don't see your bank?" option and click "I can't find my bank."

You should then be prompted to type in your bank name, account type, and estimated account balance to move forward. Please note, you will still need to enter your total income and assets by clicking in the fields. Once you've submitted your application, we will likely request bank statements to verify the account(s).

Please do not send us your account or routing number, or any other sensitive information via email. If you encounter any other issues, please reach out directly to our Client Happiness Team. If you would like more details about why we ask to have your financial accounts connected electronically, check out this article. For further troubleshooting when your institution isn’t linking with Plaid, check out this article.

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