For loans that are currently in deferment or a grace period, it is common for loan servicers not to issue standard billing statements. Instead, some may send an "interest notice" or "interest bill." We are happy to accept an upload of this interest notice or interest bill as a substitute for a billing statement, provided that the document includes the following information:
- Your name
- Your lender's name
- Account number
- Balance of the loan
If you're not receiving these documents or statements from your servicer, below are a few steps you can take to obtain them:
- Check your online account: Look for options to download the necessary documents or statements directly.
- Contact your lender: Reach out to them directly to inquire about alternative ways to receive the required information.
- Take a screenshot: Capture a screenshot of your online account that displays the four specified items mentioned above.
By following these steps, you should be able to acquire the needed documents or statements from your lender. If you need any further assistance, please select the “Get In Touch” button at the bottom of this article.