Earnest provides consumers with student loan products such as Private Student Loans, Student Loan Refinance, and NaviRefi. Earnest also provides loan servicing for its student loan products. In certain scenarios, Earnest engages additional support for its loan servicing. Historically, that support has come from its affiliate, Navient. Beginning on October 21, 2024, servicing support is now provided by MOHELA.
Earnest will be the servicer of your Earnest student loan(s) but may, from time to time, collaborate with MOHELA to assist in your loan servicing for certain specialized functions. For example, if your loan(s) were to become past due, Earnest will engage MOHELA to work directly with you until your loan(s) are back on track. Earnest will continue to be your servicer any time MOHELA is providing servicing support for your loan(s), meaning that you will still be able to manage your loan(s) on earnest.com and make your payments to Earnest. MOHELA’s role in supporting your loan is simply to help provide you with the best customer experience and services possible.