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What type of income do you consider? | General FAQ

We're able to consider the following employment and non-employment income types:

Employment income: salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, and earnings from self-employment.

Non-employment income: interest income, rental income, dividend income, retirement income, social security benefits, alimony & child support, and disability.  

We aim to credit you with the total gross income you will earn this calendar year. In order to be credited to your application, your income needs to come from a stable source and must be verifiable through documentation. Short-term income, such as unemployment, will not be eligible for consideration. In general, we look to see that you earn more than you spend (i.e. have a positive cash flow) and that your income is high enough to support your total debt load.

Income can be complicated. If you’re unsure what to include in your application, please feel free to contact our Client Happiness team by clicking on the “Get In Touch” button at the bottom of this article. We are happy to assist you further!



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